General Help:

CWRU Help Desk

Genetics Printers

6th & 7th Floor printers, replacing ink how-to


DuoSecurity Self Enrollment (two factor authentication)
Change CWRU Passphrase

Reset Passphrase
Sync your SSO and Active Directory password (use this if you CAN check e-mail but CANNOT use VPN or CaseWireless)

High Performance Computing:

CWRU HPCC (High Performance Computing Cluster)
CWRU HPCC sign up instructions
Purchase HPCC contracts (iLab)
Amara HPCC user management system
Ohio Super Computer
Unix Primer
Departmental Compute Servers (intron/exon)

CWRU discounted software for Faculty, Students, and Staff:

CWRU Software Center


CWRU Zoom access
Large Zoom Event Info (200+)


CWRU IP Telephone services
IP phone remote management
Softphone information


U-Tech Self management services
Case Registered(for things like WiFi envinornmental sensors)